(22)  Ralph Copinger

He was a merchant in London, and a member of the Mercer's Company. In the Commons Journal, 22 October, 1642 (vol.ii. 823), is the following entry,

"That the Lord Mayor of London and his Sheriffs shall search the houses and seize the arms and secure the persons of Sir William Cowper,  .  .  . Mr. Ralph Coppinger, of Farrington Within,  .  .  . because as it appears by the Report from the Committee, that they have not contributed to the charge of the Commonwealth in this time of immenent necessite." 

He died at Bramford, in Suffolk, and was interred in the Church there, with the following inscription on a flat stone :-

(Copinger arms and crest.)

Lett the name and memorie of Ralphe Copinger, gent. Citize' and Mercer of London, bee as a sweet oyntment poured out; who lived & dyed a good citize', a loveinge Husband, a carefull Fathe'. & a true sonne of the church of England. He married Katheryne ( a most vertuous woman ) the daughter of Valentyn Franhly, gent., & by her left 3 sonnes and 2 daughters.  

Who, coming hither, health for to repaire,
Changed earth for heaven, by changing of the ayer.
Obiit Julii An'. Dom'. 1658  ætat. suœ 62.

He made his Will, which is dated 2nd October, 1657, and in it he is described as "Senior Cittizen and Mercer of London."

He directs his body to be buried in "that Vault in the north side of Mercers Chappell wherein lyeth bured my louing and deare wife Katherine."

To his son Francis Copinger he gives

all the remainder and tearme of yeares which shall remain unexpired of those two houses and shopps but now vnited into one which I held by lease from the Lord Mayor and Cominaltie of the Cittie of London now in the tenure or occupation of Nicholas Adey or his assigne or assignees scituate and being in Paternoster Rowe in the parishes of Saint Michaell att Quene and Saint         vnder Saint Paul Church.

To his 3d son John Copinger he leaves his

lease of shops held of the Wardens and Cominaltie of the Misterie of Mercer of the Cittie of London situate in the Parish of Alhallowes Barking near the Tower in the Cittie of London .  .  .  .  . Item, I order and apoynte my said Executor if aniething should be wanting to sell my house and lands att Alpheton in Suffolke.

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This page was last updated on 31 August 2016. 

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